Need some everyday hairstyles for long hair?
Check out these quick and easy step by step tutorials and videos for simple formal or casual fall hairstyles.
1. Waterfall Side-Braid

This side braid is super cute and now that you have steps is actually quite easy to do. Start braiding on the side while weaving in separate strands of curly locks.
Don’t stop until you reach the other end. And voila you now have a beautiful smooth curly hairstyle that everyone will be asking you about.
2. Easy Twisty-Bun Hairstyle

This simple bun can easily be made at home by making two separate braids and knotting them up into a high bun.
It is one of the fastest hairstyles to do especially when you are on the go or running late.
3. Flower-Braid Updo

This nice side braid has that Dutch feel to it.
4.Chignon-Bun (step-by-step)

The Chignon bun comes from the French. The word “chignon” comes from the French phrase “chignon du cou,” which means nape of the neck.
To make the chignon all you need to do is tie up your hair into a ponytail, separate it in the middles and fold your ponytail through. You keep doing this until you have a little roll that looks like a low bun.
And that’s it you’re ready to party! So if you are looking for a really quick hairstyle that is also stylish and elegant you should definitely give this one a go.
5. Cute High-bow

If you have long hair and want to go for a really cute hairstyles you should try this one.
I needed to try it a few times before I got it right, but in the end I managed. Also, if the hair bow is too much of a good thing for you, you can try tying it up into a messy knot and it will look equally nice.
6. Wrapped High-Bun

This high bun looks very fashionable. It’s also works well on a hot summer’s day.
Being able to tie it up while staying stylish is a good way to tackle that long hair when you don’t want it framing you face.
7. Criss-cross Fishtail Braid

This fat fishtail braid looks very hip.
8. French-roll (for long hair)

French rolls look extremely elegant. As you can see from the picture they aren’t that complicated to do.
Here is a pretty good tutorial video on how to do a French roll if you want to check it out.
9. Updo + Puff Hairstyle

This exaggerated puff updo is perfect for gowns.
To achieve the puff you are going to need to backcomb your hair so that it raises the front part.
10. Indian-bun

This high bun can be done by anyone. If you have silky straight hair you will end up with something like in the pic above. If you have slightly frizzier or curlier hair it will still look nice only a little messier.
11. South Korean Side-Ponytail

Here we have a rather quirky and cool side ponytail. It’s relatively easy to do and puts a spin on things.
These kind of hairstyles are particularly popular in South Korea at the moment. Since they are at the forefront of fashion and leading the way we might have a thing or two to learn from them.
#12: Braided Low-bun

This nice bun roll is comprised of separate braids that meet at the neck.
#13: Braided-Ponytail

Again an alternative ponytail that will stand out from the crowd.
#14: Puff Hairstyle (step by step)

This side swept hairstyle is elegant and easy.
#15: Braided + Wrapped Bun

This cute bun braid can be easily made for you daughter to go to school in.
#16: Messy Side-Bun

Sometime messy side buns can look very neat as is the case here.
#17: Half-Up Twirled Crown

The side parting and twirled crown are screaming prom night! Make sure to curl some princess locks with a hair iron if you want that exact look.
#18: Cross-Over Pony

This is a very nice hairstyle that plays around a lot with texture. It works extremely well with a balayage or dyed streaks.
#19: 60-second Sock-bun

This one is particularly conducive for exercising.
#20: Chignon-braided Bun

This braided bun almost looks like a low chignon.
#21: Half-up Bow bun

This is one of the cutest hairstyles with step by step instructions that we have found out there. We just love that bow and it’s not too over the top!
#22: Cute Lace-braided Updo

This hairstyle is very original. Note how the braids on either side have been made so that when they join they meet like two pieces of a puzzle.
#23: Step-by-step-Ponytail (for long-hair)

This hairstyle requires some backcombing as seen in the image but the result is kind of cool.
#24: Braided-Ponytail

This braided ponytail does not require that much effort. It can easily be made in under 5 minutes.
It’s a casual hairstyle that can suit many occasions ranging from a day at the office to a lazy Sunday.
#25: Double Braids

These double fishtail braids look is super easy and effortless.
#26: Half-up Twist

This curly down do looks very neat and pretty. It is also an extremely simple hairstyle to do.
#27: Twisted Top-Knot

This high bun is easy to do and looks like a blossoming flower. It is also a perfect hairstyle to hit the gym with and it will hold everything in place.
#28: Messy Bun

Get ready to walk on the red carpet after you are finished doing this one.
#29: Twisted-bun

This intricate bun has so many swirls it looks like the inside of a flower. In fact you could try adding a few flowers if you are going to a reception.
#30: Half-up Hairstyle (w/ patterns)

Finally, this beautiful pattern is kind of cool and unique. It’s a hairstyle that should take less than a minute to do, but it’s not a hairstyle for running around in if that’s your plan.
If you enjoyed these hairstyle tutorials you might also want to check out our section on simple hairstyles.