How to Actually Get Rid of Blackheads for Good

get rid of blackheads

Blackheads- one of the dreaded face issues we have to contend with.

Blackheads are often caused by clogged pores and can really be an eyesore. They can stick out on your face like a sore thumb, but don’t worry we have some surefire ways to help get rid of this annoying problem.

Blackhead removal is necessary if you want, beautiful, radiant, acne free skin. But many people don’t really know how to even begin the process of removing these horrid things. Do you know that you can remove blackhead at home, on your own? Say goodbye to expensive salons and hello to free DIY blackhead removal!

This dreaded skin problem affects a large population of women, and many resort to weekly visits at the spa to help with this issue. While there is nothing wrong with this, I have a cheaper alternative, you can get rid of blackheads yourself-no charge! Just follow these easy steps!

Thankfully, we have some natural remedies that can help get rid of this problem.Check them out below!

1. Keeping Your Face Clean

The face that’s free from dirt will not be prone to the risks of having blackheads. Always removing your makeup, washing your face with a non harmful facial wash will keep your face clean and clear!

Blackhead Removal

2. Exfoliate

The cheapest beauty tool ever! “The toothbrush”! With a little bit of toothpaste – gently rub the area daily until it is clear.

blackhead removal

3. Pore Strips

The quickest and easiest way. If you just don’t have the time to create your own pore strips then this is the answer to your urgent need!

blackhead removal

Get some Here.

4. Homemade Pore Strips

Skeptic if this will actually work?

You’ll Need:

  • 1 packet of unflavored gelatine
  • 2 tbsp of milk

Blackhead Removal

Follow through at beautytips4her

5. Glue

blackhead removal

You see how your good old art class tool can solve your skin problem! I know this one sounds crazy, but this might actually hold some merit, so hear me out.

Pour a small amount of glue on your nose- which is often the area where blackheads tend to accumulate and let it dry for about 10 minutes. Peel off the glue and voila!

Might be best to use non-toxic glue for this. And don’t do it too often. I would only recommend in desperate situations!

6. Baking Soda.

Looking for something natural to remove those blackheads? Baking soda yields a guaranteed result!

blackhead removal

inspirebeautytips has the complete how to’s to this trick!

7. Lemon + Tomatoes

blackhead removal

For lemon, you may either combine it with yogurt or honey.

Tomatos are natural antiseptic.

Follow vivawoman for full Natural Ingredients to Keep Blackheads Away.

8. Steam.

By far the easiest and the most relaxing method of all!

What the steam does is open the pores and make the blackheads loose.The simplest way to get rid of blackheads is to steam your face. You’ll need a bowl of hot water and a large towel.

Rest the bowl on a flat surface and place your face over the bowl; use the towel to cover your entire head/face and bowl. Sit in this position for about 20 minutes. The steam from the hot water helps to pull out impurities from the skin.

how to remove blackheads, blackheads on nose, blackhead extractor, how to get rid of blackheads on nose, blackhead remover

9. A DIY Scrub

After steaming the next step is scrubbing gunk, dirt and dead skin from the surface of your skin. You can pick up a facial scrub from your local pharmacy, but if you don’t have any at home, oats or baking soda will do just as good of a job at scrubbing your face.

Check out homeremediesforlife for more natural facial scrubs.

Option 1:  DIY Blackhead Mask with Activated Charcoal

diy blackhead removal

This is a classic home remedy for blackheads, tighten the pores and makes your skin smooth and clean. All you need for this process is activated charcoal and PVA non-toxic glue.

  • Remove the ingredients of 3 activated charcoal capsules into a bowl. Or you can add activated charcoal powder.
  • Add enough amounts of glue and mix well.
  • Dip a wash cloth in warm water, wring out the excess and dab it on your face or blackhead affected areas.
  • Apply the paste on the face or blackhead affected areas.
  • Let it dry completely.
  • Peel off the mask slowly.
  • Repeat the process regularly.

Note: Make sure to avoid applying the paste on the areas with hair like eyebrows and peachy fuzz near the ears as it hurts while removing the pack.

Watch the video for visual instructions:

Option 2: DIY Blackhead Remover in 7 Days

home remedy for blackheads

You have to follow the 3 steps mentioned below for 7 days to remove the stubborn black and whiteheads.

Step 1: Take a small bowl of warm water and wash towel. Dip the towel into the warm water and wring out the excess. Dab the towel on your face or affected areas. This step helps to open up the pores which make it easy to properly clear them while scrubbing.

Step 2: Combine 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon rice flour, 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Mix well to make a thick paste. Apply enough amounts of the mixture on the affected areas and gently scrub for few minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

Step 3: Combine 4 teaspoons of cold water and 2 – 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Using a cotton ball, apply the solution on the affected areas. Leave it to dry completely and rinse off with water.


  • You can refrigerate the paste and solution for 7 days.
  • Always dilute the tea tree oil before application. Direct application of it can harm your skin.
  • After following the process for 7 days, you can repeat it twice in a week.

Watch the video for visual instructions:

Option 3. Remove Blackheads Using a Toothpaste and Toothbrush

how to remove blackheads at home

This process helps to tighten the pores and scrub off the dead skin cells.

  • Take a warm wash cloth and press on the affected areas.
  • To a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of water, 1 tablespoon each of baking soda and toothpaste.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected areas.
  • Take a damp toothbrush and gently massage it in circular motions.
  • After few minutes, wipe of the application with warm damp cloth.
  • Using a tissue or towel, squeeze out the blackheads carefully.
  • Wipe the area with cloth dipped in cold water.
  • Repeat the process regularly.Watch the video for visual instructions:

    Option 4. Get Rid of Blackheads with Gelatin

    It is one of the best ways of getting rid of blackheads and dirt from the pores instantly.

    • Combine 1 tablespoon each of gelatin (flavorless) powder and milk.
    • Microwave the mixture for 10 seconds and let it cool down.
    • When it is warm enough to touch, apply it on the nose or other affected areas.
    • Let the application completely dry.
    • Peel the application slowly and wipe off the leftover gelatin.
    • Repeat the process regularly.

    Watch the video for visual instructions:

    Option 5. Homemade Blackhead Mask with Egg White

    Egg White For Blackheads

    This process works just like the commercial pore strips. All you need for this process is an egg white and a tissue paper. Let’s have a look at the process.

    • Separate the egg white from an egg.
    • Using an old foundation brush, apply the egg white on affected areas like nose, forehead or others.
    • Take a tissue paper and cut it into the size of the application area.
    • Place it on the egg white application. Let it dry completely.
    • Remove the tissue like any peel off mask. First slowly loosen the edges and remove the complete application slowly.
    • Repeat the process regularly.

    Note: You may experience slight pain while peeling off the mask.

    Watch the video for visual instructions:

    Option 6. A 6-Day Routine to Remove Black Heads

    Honey For Blackheads

    You have to follow this process for 6 days for full effectiveness.

    • Take some honey in a bowl and sprinkle some cinnamon, squeeze some lemon juice.
    • Mix the ingredients well.
    • Clean the affectedarea.
    • Using a makeup sponge, apply the mixture on the affected areas.
    • Leave it overnight or for at least 20 minutes.
    • Now slightly wet the application, wipe the application for a minute using a paper towel.
    • Rinse off with warm water followed by cold water.


    • Cinnamon can cause slight burning sensation. If the burning sensation is more, rinse off the application immediately.

10. A DIY Mask: Egg whites + Honey Face Mask

After scrubbing, apply a mask. Activated charcoal masks have become quite popular as it is quite effective in pulling out dirt, bacteria and other impurities from the skin.

You can purchase activated charcoal at your local drugstore or pharmacy.

Check out this DIY Volcanic Blackhead Remover by Ann Le. Or you can just raid the fridge…

blackhead removal

Excerpts from 4theloveofbeauty101 “Egg whites work great for drawing out impurities such as dirt and oil and tightening your skin and pores, while lemons are an amazing natural exfoliant for the skin which helps to remove blackheads and dead skin cells. This increases skin cell turnover and in result the skin looks brighter.”

Not only will this relieve the face from blackheads but it will also tighten and brighten the face with regular use. Try this after steaming for a better result!

Complete diy of this facial mask by dirtylooks.


11. Hygiene

Aside from keeping your face clean, consider those stuffs that has direct contact to your face (eg. towels, pillowcases, etc.)

blackhead removal

13. Turmeric

It’s not only a spice – not only for cooking but also for beauty purposes.

blackhead removal

14. Professional Help

DON’T try to prick your blackheads all by yourself! Professionals are trained to do this and would be best to consult them before trying to resolve everything by yourself!

blackhead removal

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Natural Face Wash Recipes

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